Dienstag, 19. Juli 2011

Samstag, 9. Juli 2011


to move in space. Dreaming, part of the creation process, here: what I see while dreaming out of the window -- Thoughts

Coming home from travelling far, I realized the beauty of the place I was born.

What a great artwork

How the mother nourishes and gives us all we need

How we are blessed with abundance

How I want to say Thank You


Being open and aware, being surrounded by beauty. Time, it's art and art is to beautify.

How I started

and why
As I awoke the shadows of the night were gone. I was new and beautiful.

How it came that I take part in this game -- I wanted to be answered some questions about: money.
From the beginning.

Creating this blog, cyberworld, which used to cause trouble with my back. Though, I'm used to it, and two memories within a minute, one of a dream and one from whereever, told me that I'm on the right way.

Questions popping up, what for and why and which form will it take and so on, I'm about to define the frame, to go beyond it one day

The purpose is to share my thoughts
To give a shape to the things in my mind
Because it's something I love to do (and this is necessary, I was told, for true wealth)
Not only for me but for us to understand that on some stage we are one.