Freitag, 23. Dezember 2011

Das ist wichtig: Dass du dort bist, wo dein Herz ist
What is important? That your heart is with you

Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2011


Down the primal ground
Where the bottomless lurks
Where in the mud the seed of the lotus roots
Origin of life
Slumbering the blossom
Secret and safe in waters
Winding up into the light

Montag, 5. Dezember 2011

Flowing out red today
Organizing and finding
The way is under my feet

It seems to me most people just go
Without asking and it’s good
Oh! Will I find desert snake in the snow

To grab the things you like
To grab with both hands
To grab, enjoy and be pleased

Sonntag, 27. November 2011

So I decide to release everything I don’t need no more

Appearance on the outside is a reflection of the inner.
I decide to let go: People, things, habits, actions.
I am the love. I am the soul I was looking for.
Thank you for showing me the truth.

Montag, 14. November 2011

Die Frage ist wer

[wenn nicht ich? Wir]

in dieses Leben sich stürzen oder
es einfach zu leben

Dieses Leben

Dieses Leben besteht aus
Momenten in denen
Möglichkeit realisiert wird


Is the spirit
For free

Is all to walk under the sun (and the moon. And the stars)

Geht Licht an im Oberstübchen
Wenn das nicht ein Moment der Freude ist
Wofür entscheidest du dich?

Es ist egal, aber
Es ist egal doch
Nicht einerlei sondern mindestens 2
Weil (ein Wort das den Verstand befriedigt):

Eine Entscheidung mitteilt
Dass etwas geschieht
Und das Gegenteil (Alternativen) nicht

Sonntag, 6. November 2011

Mittwoch, 2. November 2011

Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011

Zeitgedichte (Time Poems)

Wohin läuftst du so schnell
Wo willst du heute noch hin
Wohin hat dich die Nacht gebracht
Gestern, in aller Frühe

Um es nicht zu umschiffen:
Um halb acht hab ich gedacht
Bis halb zehn hab ich noch zeit
Da war es halb zwölf 

Time will show up
In one minute
In two point zero

Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011


Schwierig denkst du
Chemie hab ich besser verstanden als
Heute mich selbst
Erwartet keiner mehr
Ich eingeschlossen
Gemeinsame Aktivitäten
Es sei denn

Montag, 24. Oktober 2011

About destiny

To know this workings they are driving me, also while being aware that they are just running
Things that cannot be changed: How to know the difference to the ones who can?
Guess what! Some persist, in spite of intens-est endeavours
In my history one can find occurences, making visible the coherences.

The will for willing must fail
The soul is looking for it’s way, which may lead it away from conveniences and comforts, also into solitude.
It shall find it’s way, passing conveniences and comforts of a so called normal life, with maybe a job, a partner, and a finished degree. Could you hear a snort? By no means. It’s the life i tried so hard to lead. And I failed, again and again.
Many illusions collapsed. To be lead out of my rainbow bubble into this life, which wants to be lead. But not lead by „me“, which may contain an Ego, wishing for many another things.


Wir sind verweichlicht. Man hat uns in Watte eingepackt. Man hat uns Aufgaben abgenommen, die das Leben uns stellte, nur um eines Tages wiederzukehren, da konntet ihr sie uns nicht mehr abnehmen. Der Schmerz wurde stets unterdrückt anstatt dass ihm Ausdruck verliehen wurde. Der Schmerz und der Tod wurden negiert, aus falsch verstandener Liebe, einer Liebe zum eigenen Ego, zeig mir bloß nicht meinen eigenen Schmerz! Ach Gott, ich bin wütend. Ach Gott! eines Tages werde ich die Scham ganz abgelegt haben und mein Leben ganz leben, ohne den ständigen Verlust meiner selbst.

Samstag, 22. Oktober 2011


Change means change
Remaining old views
Who can help in here
Helping myself

Remaining old views
Contradiction is true
Helping myself
Asks who I am

Contradiction is true
Separation unites
Asks who I am
By the way

Separation unites
Who can help in here
By the way
Change means change

Samstag, 1. Oktober 2011


DAYS feel like the soul
will burst don't seem to be over
yet And you know it's
light of life shining
through and through

Montag, 12. September 2011


For all my life I was wondering
Who do I see when my eyes see you
A reflection of my own nothing
From then, turning from white to black
And became something

White nothing

Dedicated to the decisions, creating my path in life

Dienstag, 23. August 2011

From the past

I was hell.
I was joggled. The hot, the cold.
I was floods.

I dreamed of caves, cellars and rifts. I saw a diver down at the marian rift. Up on the surface, a bridge made of stone.

To feel the pain, universe.

It’s where I am.

Now, I can see what I was missing.

I wrote this a time ago, in 2oo8. It's where I am. It goes in cycles and comes back in time, spiraling, to invent it new, the now.
To give up my denial, invented to protect me a time ago, now an obstacle, leading me to overcome it, in time.
Life wants my courage, not just to believe in the appearance but to get in touch with the essence.

Donnerstag, 11. August 2011


Waves of emotions moving the mirror. To get the picture clear, one can observe the whole, or wait for the waters to calm. (click for the animation)

Dienstag, 19. Juli 2011

Samstag, 9. Juli 2011


to move in space. Dreaming, part of the creation process, here: what I see while dreaming out of the window -- Thoughts

Coming home from travelling far, I realized the beauty of the place I was born.

What a great artwork

How the mother nourishes and gives us all we need

How we are blessed with abundance

How I want to say Thank You


Being open and aware, being surrounded by beauty. Time, it's art and art is to beautify.

How I started

and why
As I awoke the shadows of the night were gone. I was new and beautiful.

How it came that I take part in this game -- I wanted to be answered some questions about: money.
From the beginning.

Creating this blog, cyberworld, which used to cause trouble with my back. Though, I'm used to it, and two memories within a minute, one of a dream and one from whereever, told me that I'm on the right way.

Questions popping up, what for and why and which form will it take and so on, I'm about to define the frame, to go beyond it one day

The purpose is to share my thoughts
To give a shape to the things in my mind
Because it's something I love to do (and this is necessary, I was told, for true wealth)
Not only for me but for us to understand that on some stage we are one.